Monday, April 23, 2012

At the closing of the semester...

Wow, the semester is over! I cannot begin to explain how sad this makes me. I have enjoyed this class so much, and it has done so much for me - I am terribly sorry to see it concluded! :(

I hardly know what to say after all is said and done. I'm in the process of putting my portfolio together right now, and I feel like I'm beating a dead horse when I express how much this course has done for me, but it's true!

When I began this class, I was an introverted student who was terrified of public speaking and apprehensive about working in groups. I was in a leadership position on campus, and have been for the past year now (unfortunately my run is over after this semester!), and I have learned and grown so much. I'm less introverted and have more friends on campus due to my ability to work successfully in groups now. I'm also less afraid of public speaking, and just won a campus speech contest to prove my growth! I'm a better leader, and I'm a better critical thinker. I also know a lot more about managing conflict now.

I keep singing the praises of this class, but it's true and I honestly don't know what else to say! It has been such a useful and beneficial course, and I look forward to reaping the rewards of my new knowledge. :)

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