Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Week Four: Spontaneity

I am terrified of public speaking. I have been for years. It's not as debilitating as it once was, due partly to last semester (I gave three presentations), and of course, this semester, I am taking a speech class. I am so far out of my comfort zone this semester, it's terrifying. But I know it's necessary.

That why I really appreciate (thought hope they are infrequent) our "impromptu" presentations that we've done in this class. This semester is turning out to be a crash course is bravery for me, and these spontaneous presentations are fitting right in with what I'm needing.

Don't get me wrong, I hate it. And I'm not sure if I will ever NOT hate speaking in public or giving presentations or speeches, but I definitely agree that learning to handle myself effectively in such cases, and even on the fly, will make me more adept and able to handle myself in situations that would ordinarily be major crises' for me. Thanks to this "crash course" this semester,  these situations will eventually become normal and more natural for me.

I feel that stepping outside of your comfort zone and pushing past familiar boundaries is what a good leader in training needs to experience, so that is why I don't fuss. I abhor it, but I do it, because it makes me more versatile and capable.

Thanks. :)

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