Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Week Five: Group Work

Looking at the difference between my other classes in comparison to this one is really quite interesting. I'm finding myself looking at leadership qualities everywhere.

We have just been broken off into groups for my speech class, in which we have to work together on a group speech. None of us are looking forward to it. In fact, our instructor calls us her negative class, because when asked by a show of hands who liked group work, none of us raised a hand.

The amount of negative experiences we've all had in working in groups really makes it hard for us to look forward to yet another experience. I'm hoping my group performs well, as we all have the same goal: an A. :)

We learned an interesting thing in that class about groups.. apparently groups go through stages: The forming, the storming, the norming, and the performance. Forming is the stage we're in now. Getting to know eachother, being very polite and agreeable. Our instructor says that the next stage is the most important: storming. That is where conflicts arise, and we find out what we're made of .We have disagreements, but we resolve them, and get to the norming stage. This is where we have finally figured out what the boundaries are and what is and isn't acceptable. It is also a very productive stage. The final stage is the one our instructor says that many of us probably won't get to, and that is the performing stage. This is the stage in which we completely trust one another and merge very well together. The group becomes unified, so to speak.

I will certainly blog about the progression of this group, as I'm anxious to see how things turn out, and of course, whether or not we're able to come together and get that A!

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