Tuesday, April 3, 2012


I serve in a student leadership role on campus, and I thought I'd take a moment to reflect on the experience.

This semester will conclude my two-semester role as editor of The Settler.

When I first started, I won't lie, I took the position because it would look good on my resume. It was a great opportunity that I couldn't turn down, even though I'd never been a leader and knew next to nothing about journalism.

But, in my journey at Vol State, I was determined to expand my horizons and step out of my comfort zone so that I could grow as a person and be prepared to move on to and excel at a university.

Since serving nearly two semesters in this role I have learned a lot about what it takes to be a leader, and a lot about where I still fall short.

For the most part, my experience has been a good one, and I have had a great, cooperative staff that has allowed me to be on a peer level more than a leader level. But there have been some issues.

I often run into problems, usually with the same people, that involve stories not being completed by deadline, or stories not turned in at all, with no notice, which really puts me into a bind. I feel I still have a weakness when it comes to confrontation, and taking disciplinary measures, as my efforts to rectify these situations through speaking to the writers directly has resulted in little change. I feel this is because I am not forceful in my requirements or direct enough... something. Because they must not take me seriously enough to want to do what is required the first or second time.

I feel an effective leader is not afraid to do this. An effective leader can be intimidating and forceful when they need to be, and will discipline when it's appropriate. I still struggle with this, however. I can be a bit of a pushover, and I need to be careful not to let others walk all over me.

But I believe there's a fine line. If a leader is to be forceful and intimidating, and firm in what they need from the others, they also need to be able to dole out compliments and encouragement when the job does get done correctly.

Perhaps I still have much to learn in that regard. At any rate, I know I've come a long way!

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