Monday, March 19, 2012

Role Playing and Group Speeches

I really enjoyed this activity.

I was wary at first, since an activity like that really takes me out of my comfort zone. But not only was it fun, but I could see the wisdom behind performing this sort of activity.

The roles seemed so extreme, but the sad thing is, we interact with people like that every day.

On another note, today was the day my group and I performed our group speech in my communications class.

When we first learned of the required group speech, I was terrified. Entrusting others to participate and influence what my grade would be is scary, especially in a context as scary as a speech.

I think I lucked out, though. I worked with three other girls who were just as determined as I was to get an A, and fortunately, there were no slugs among us. Today we gave our speech, and since we all did our required bit of work and came prepared, I feel it went well. Yay, success! I just hope our grade reflects it. :)

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