Sunday, February 26, 2012


Well, our small group project was a success, I think.

For two reasons - one being that we had a decent turn-out and nothing went wrong during the flash mob. the other reason being that we all learned that it's not as easy as it seems to successfully pull of a flash mob.

I really enjoyed this project. A flash mob, or anything like it, is something that I would never, ever have been involved in before now. But pushing myself outside of my comfort zone really felt good. I'm realizing that each time I do that, the list of things I'm afraid of gets shorter and shorter. Which is definitely a good thing for a developing leader.

I think we handled the issues we were faced with very well, and we all got along superbly. The only thing left is the presentation, which I'm extremely nervous about, but again, I will try to push past my fear of the public speaking thing so that I can be less afraid of it... eventually.

Hopefully we can all get organized and put on a good presentation. After that is over with, I will breathe and relax for a minute.

This has been really fun. I'm gaining a lot of experience and growing quite a bit from just one class. I wish they all were like that.

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